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One Stop Family Law Solution Centre

These include:
1. matrimonial causes matters,
2. child rights and adoption,
3. wills, trust and administration of estates
We have a team that will handle your matter, diligently, sensitively and most important expertly.

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria

Matrimonial Causes

These include:
Divorce, legal separation and annulment of marriage, reconciliation, spousal abuse etc.

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria

Pre & Post Marriage Incidentals

This includes:
Pre-Marriage incidentals includes:
Pre-nuptial agreement
Post Marriage incidentals includes:
Alimony, Maintenance and custody of a child,

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria


Adoption in Nigeria is governed by the laws of the respective state where the child is domiciled. This is effected by the courts and coordinated through the respective Ministry of Youth and Social Welfare of the state.

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria

Child Rights

Nigeria adopted the Child Rights Act in 2003 to domesticate the Convention on the Rights of the Child as part of Nigerian Laws. Section 1, Child’s Right Act (2003)
Best interest of a Child to be of paramount consideration in all actions..
Various sates in Nigeria have passed it as part of its local laws for application and enforcement.
We work with entities at all levels to give effect to these rights.

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria

Child Custody

This included:
1. Sole Custody;
2. Joint Custody;
3. Legal Guardian;
4. Loco Parentis.

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria


These include:
1. Preparation of the will
2. Lodging & Custody of the will;
3. Reading of the will;
4. Resealing of a will;
5. Proof of wills;

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria

Administration of Estates

This includes:
Processing of Letters of administration and grant of probate;
Managing and the administration of the estate of the deceased;

1st Attorneys - Lawyers in Nigeria


This involves:
1. Setting up of Trust and Trust Funds; 2.Undertaking fiduciary appointments to serve as trustee, co-trustee, or successor trustee of trusts; 3. Serving as executor of wills to probate estate assets.

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