Our Principles
Firm Aims
Our Firm aims to become a major player and global leader in providing international legal services.
To achieve this we strive to open offices in major jurisdictions of the world.
We also reach out and maintain relationships with law firms in several countries.
Business Practice...
Our Firm believes in, practices and promotes corporate responsibility. In this we maintain high ethical values and integrity. We set our objectives and revise our performance in line with industry standards. We encourage Pro bono work, charity, community service and promote ethnic diversity. We also take compliance issues seriously.
Firm Standards
We maintain the highest standards and time honoured traditions of legal practice....
We committed to international standards of responsibility and practices...
We are committed to providing dedicated legal services worldwide.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide dedicated legal services worldwide in our different areas of expertise.
Core Beliefs...
1st Attorneys practices and set for ourselves the highest standards of business principles.
The core beliefs of our principles are based on integrity of conduct, quality of service and dedication to the client.
About You...
Once engaged, we are completely dedicated to serving our clients in our best endeavour. The Client is the reason why we exist and we appreciate the businesses they bring.
Countries: Japan, Italy, Spain, France, USA, UK, Canada, UAE, Mexico, S. Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, China, Hong Kong, Portugal, Sweden Germany, Romania, Malaysia, Cyprus, India,
.We'll be privileged to serve you some day and some how in our best endeavour..