Minimum Time for Granting a Compulsory License in Nigeria Under the Nigerian Patents and Designs Act

Under the Nigerian Patents and Designs Act (PDA), a compulsory license can be granted to a…

Hesitancy of Local Companies in Nigeria to File Patent Applications

This article will attempt to provide some context that might explain why  local companies in Nigeria…

Patentability Requirements Under the Nigerian Patents and Designs Act

The Nigerian Patents and Designs Act (PDA) lays out specific conditions that an invention must satisfy…

Rights of a Compulsory Licensee in Nigeria: Under The Nigerian Patents and Designs Act

The Nigerian Patents and Designs Act (PDA) outlines the rights granted to a person who has…

Compulsory Licenses in Nigeria: A Balancing Act Between Public Interest and Patent Rights

This is a  detailed picture of how compulsory licensing operates within the Nigerian patent system. This…