Doing Business In Lagos


Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria, is a bustling metropolis that has long been a hub for trade and commerce in West Africa. With a population of over 21 million people, Lagos is one of the largest cities on the African continent, and it is home to a diverse and vibrant business community. In recent years, Lagos has become an increasingly attractive destination for foreign investors and entrepreneurs looking to tap into the vast potential of the Nigerian market.

Nigeria’s economy is the largest in Africa, with a GDP of over $450 billion. The country is also the largest producer of oil in Africa and is rich in other natural resources such as gas, coal, and solid minerals. Despite its vast resources, Nigeria has struggled with economic instability, corruption, and inadequate infrastructure in recent years. However, the government has implemented several economic reform measures in recent years, and the economy has begun to stabilize and grow.

The Lagos State government has also implemented several policies to improve the ease of doing business in the state. According to the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business report, Lagos ranked as the best state in Nigeria for ease of doing business.


Oil and Gas:

The oil and gas sector is a major contributor to the Nigerian economy. The sector is dominated by state-owned companies such as the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Nigerian National Oil Corporation (NNOC). However, there are many opportunities for foreign companies to participate in this sector through joint ventures and other partnerships with Companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Royal Dutch Shell which have their head offices and operations in Lagos though involved in the exploration, production, and distribution of oil and gas in other states of Nigeria.

Real Estate:

The real estate sector in Lagos is growing rapidly, driven by increasing demand for housing and commercial properties. The Lagos State government has implemented several policies to encourage investment in the sector, and there are many opportunities for foreign investors to participate in the development of residential and commercial properties. Companies such as REDAN Properties, Novare Real Estate Africa, and Rendeavour have been active in the development of residential and commercial properties in Lagos. They have a portfolio of completed and ongoing projects in the city.

Real Estate sector in Lagos: According to a report by JLL, the real estate sector in Lagos is valued at $11 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10% between 2020 and 2025. The report also highlights that the residential and retail segments are the most attractive for foreign investors in Lagos, with opportunities in areas such as affordable housing, luxury housing and shopping malls.


The manufacturing sector in Nigeria is underdeveloped, and the country relies heavily on imported goods. However, there are opportunities for foreign companies to invest in the sector, particularly in areas such as food processing, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. Companies such as Dangote Cement, Nestle Nigeria and Unilever Nigeria have been operating in Nigeria for many years and have established themselves as major players in the Nigerian market. They have invested heavily in the manufacturing of cement, food and home care products in Lagos and other parts of the country.


The technology sector in Nigeria is growing rapidly, driven by increasing access to the internet and the rise of the Nigerian middle class. There are many opportunities for foreign companies to invest in the sector, particularly in areas such as e-commerce, fintech, and software development. Companies such as Andela, Interswitch, and SystemSpecs have been growing rapidly in recent years. Andela is a company that provides training and employment for software developers in Nigeria. Interswitch is a leading electronic payment and digital commerce company in Nigeria. SystemSpecs is a software development company that specializes in financial management software.

Retail and Wholesale:

The retail and wholesale sector in Nigeria is also growing rapidly, driven by increasing consumer spending and the rise of the Nigerian middle class. There are many opportunities for foreign companies to invest in the sector, particularly in areas such as supermarkets, department stores, and wholesale distribution. Companies such as Shoprite, Spar and UAC Foods have been operating in Lagos for many years and have established themselves as major players in the Nigerian market. They have invested heavily in the retail and wholesale of consumer goods in Lagos and other parts of the country.


According to a report by the Nigerian Medical Association, the number of private hospitals in Lagos has grown significantly in recent years, with over 200 private hospitals currently operating in the state. This has led to increased access to healthcare for many residents of Lagos, as private hospitals are often able to provide services that are not available at public hospitals.

here is an increasing use of technology in the healthcare sector. For example, there are a number of telemedicine services available in Lagos, which allow patients to consult with doctors remotely. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals living in remote or underserved areas, as it allows them to access medical care without having to travel long distances.

Furthermore, Lagos state government has been making efforts to improve the healthcare sector. The state government has been investing in infrastructure and health facilities, as well as providing training for healthcare professionals. An example of this is the establishment of the Lagos State Health Management Agency (LASHMA), which was set up to oversee the management of healthcare services in the state.

It is important for foreign investors to be aware of the Nigerian business culture, which emphasizes personal relationships and can be quite informal. Building trust and relationships with local partners and stakeholders is crucial for success in the Nigerian market. Additionally, it is important for foreign investors to be patient and flexible, as negotiations can be long and drawn-out.

The Nigerian business culture is known for its informality and emphasis on personal relationships. Business is often conducted through personal networks, and it is important to establish trust and build relationships before conducting business. Negotiations can be long and drawn out, and it is important to be patient and flexible. It is also important to be aware of the importance of hierarchy and to show respect to those in positions of authority.

It is also important for foreign investors to be aware of the potential challenges of doing business in Lagos and Nigeria. These challenges include economic instability, corruption, and inadequate infrastructure. However, with a long-term approach, and by working with reputable local partners and organizations, foreign investors can mitigate these risks and succeed in the Lagos market.

In summary, Lagos is a city of great potential for foreign investment and growth. With its large and growing consumer market, strategic location, and well-developed financial sector, Lagos offers a range of opportunities for businesses in various sectors. By being aware of the Nigerian business culture and potential challenges, and by building strong relationships with local partners, foreign investors can succeed in the Lagos market.


Lagos offers a large and growing consumer market, a strategic location, a relatively ease of doing business and a well-developed financial sector. These factors, along with the government’s efforts to improve the business environment, make Lagos an attractive destination for foreign investors looking to tap into the Nigerian market. Additionally, Lagos is home to a large and skilled workforce, making it an ideal location for foreign companies looking to establish operations in Nigeria. The Lagos State government offers various incentives for foreign investors such as tax holidays, low-interest loans, and subsidies.

One of the most significant advantages of investing in Lagos is its strategic location. The city is a major port and transportation hub, connecting Nigeria to the rest of Africa and the world. This makes it an ideal location for businesses involved in import, export, and logistics. Additionally, Lagos is a major center for finance and banking in Nigeria, providing foreign investors with access to a well-developed financial sector.

Another reason of investing in Lagos is the large and growing consumer market. With a population of over 21 million people, Lagos is one of the largest cities on the African continent, and it is home to a diverse and vibrant business community. The city’s growing middle class, along with increasing consumer spending, presents a vast opportunity for businesses in the retail and consumer goods sector.

Another reason for foreign investors in Lagos is the city’s growing technology sector. The city is home to a number of incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces that support the growth of technology startups. The Lagos State government has also established the Lagos Innovation Hub, which provides funding, mentorship and support to technology startups. The technology sector in Lagos is growing rapidly, driven by increasing access to the internet and the rise of the Nigerian middle class. This presents a significant opportunity for foreign companies looking to invest in areas such as e-commerce, fintech, and software development.

Technology sector in Lagos: According to a report by GSMA, the technology sector in Lagos is valued at $5 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15% between 2020 and 2025. The report also highlights that the fintech and e-commerce segments are the most attractive for foreign investors in Lagos.

Furthermore, Lagos is also a hub for the creative industry, with a thriving arts and culture scene. The Lagos State government has established the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) to support the growth of the creative industry in the state, and foreign companies can take advantage of the opportunities in this sector by investing in areas such as fashion, music, and film.

Lastly, the healthcare sector in Lagos is also growing rapidly, driven by the increasing demand for quality healthcare services. The Lagos State government has implemented several policies to encourage investment in the sector, and there are many opportunities for foreign companies to invest in areas such as healthcare technology, biotechnology, and medical tourism.

According to a report by PwC, the healthcare sector in Lagos is valued at $2 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5% between 2019 and 2023. The report also highlights that the private healthcare sector is the most attractive segment for foreign investors, with opportunities in areas such as hospital management, medical tourism, and healthcare technology.

It is worth mentioning that the Lagos State government has also established the Lagos Global, an investment promotion and facilitation agency, with the aim of attracting more foreign investment to the state. The agency provides various services such as investment advisory, site selection and liaison with government agencies, to potential investors.

In conclusion, Lagos is a city of great potential for foreign investment and growth. The city offers a range of opportunities for businesses in various sectors such as oil and gas, real estate, manufacturing, technology, retail and wholesale, healthcare and the creative industry. According to data from the Lagos State Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, the state’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was estimated at $136 billion in 2020, making it the fifth largest economy in Africa. The state’s GDP per capita is also one of the highest in the country at $6,590.

In terms of foreign investment, Lagos has attracted over $22 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) between 2010 and 2019, according to data from the Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC). The largest contributors to this FDI were the United Kingdom, United States, and China.

In terms of ease of doing business, Lagos ranked as the best state in Nigeria for ease of doing business, according to the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business report. The state was also ranked as the best state in Nigeria for protecting minority investors, resolving insolvency, and registering property.

Lagos is a city of great potential for foreign investment and growth. The city’s large and growing consumer market, strategic location, well-developed financial sector, and various government policies and initiatives make it an attractive destination for foreign investors. By being aware of the Nigerian business culture and potential challenges, and by building strong relationships with local partners, foreign investors can succeed in the Lagos market. By taking a long-term approach and building strong partnerships, foreign companies can tap into the significant opportunities that Lagos has to offer.

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