Trademark protection is essential for businesses operating in Nigeria to safeguard their unique brand identity and distinguish their products or services from competitors. Filing a trademark in Nigeria offers legal protection against unauthorized use and imitation, helping businesses build brand reputation and consumer trust. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the process of filing trademarks in Nigeria, covering the key steps and requirements.

1.            Understanding Trademarks

A trademark is a distinctive symbol, word, phrase, logo, or combination thereof that represents a business’s goods or services. It serves as a valuable intellectual property asset, enabling consumers to identify products or services associated with a particular brand. Registering a trademark in Nigeria grants the owner exclusive rights and legal recourse against infringement.

2.            Eligibility for Trademark Protection

In Nigeria, a trademark must meet specific criteria to be eligible for protection:

a. Distinctiveness: The mark must be unique and capable of distinguishing the goods or services it represents.

b. Non-descriptiveness: The mark should not be directly descriptive of the goods or services it represents.

c. Non-generic: The mark should not be a common name for the goods or services.

3.            Conducting a Trademark Search

Before filing a trademark application, conducting a thorough search is crucial to ensure the proposed mark does not infringe on existing trademarks. The search can be done through the Nigerian Trademarks Registry to check for any conflicting marks that might hinder successful registration.

4.            Trademark Application

The trademark application process in Nigeria involves the following steps:

Filing Requirements in Nigeria

1.            Name, address, and nationality of applicant.

2.            Meaning/translation of mark (for word marks and design marks incorporating words)

3.            Description of goods/services.

4.            Specimen prints.

Authorisation letter to the agent or Power of Attorney simply signed & sealed.

(Special form required)


a. Filing: The applicant should prepare and submit a completed application form along with the necessary documents to the Trademarks Registry. The application should include a clear representation of the mark and the class(es) of goods or services it represents.

b. Examination: The Trademarks Registry will review the application to check for compliance with the requirements. If any issues arise, the applicant may be required to address them within a specified timeframe.

c. Publication: Once the application passes examination, it will be published in the Nigerian Trademarks Journal. This public notice allows third parties to oppose the registration if they believe it infringes upon their existing rights.

d. Opposition (if applicable): Third parties have 60 days from the publication date to file an opposition against the trademark’s registration. If no opposition is filed, the application will proceed to the next stage.

e. Registration: If there are no successful oppositions or other objections, and the mark satisfies all requirements, the Trademarks Registry will issue a Certificate of Registration, granting the applicant exclusive rights to the mark.

5.            Duration and Renewal

In Nigeria, trademark registration is initially valid for seven years from the application date. After this period, the trademark owner can renew the registration indefinitely in ten-year intervals. It is essential to renew the trademark on time to maintain its legal protection.

6.            Benefits of Registering a Trademark

Registering a trademark in Nigeria offers several advantages, including:

a. Exclusive Rights: The trademark owner gains exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the registered goods or services, preventing others from using a similar mark.

b. Legal Protection: Trademark registration provides a legal basis for taking legal action against any infringement or unauthorized use of the mark.

c. Brand Recognition: A registered trademark enhances brand recognition and consumer trust, ultimately contributing to business growth and success.


Filing trademarks in Nigeria is a vital step for businesses seeking to protect their brand identity and intellectual property. By understanding the process and meeting the necessary requirements, entrepreneurs can secure legal protection for their trademarks, ensuring their business remains distinctive and competitive in the market. Remember, consulting with a qualified intellectual property attorney can further facilitate a smooth and successful trademark registration process in Nigeria.